The Booster Club
Board Members:
President: Jan Buron
Vice President: Shelly Soderstrom
Secretary: Tasha Lucas
Treasurer: Kelly Day
Membership: Amy Schumacher
Media Managers: Kjerstin Lastufka
Merchandise Manager: Shelby Wilson
Volunteer Manager: (Vacant)
All About the Booster Club
The Service XC Ski Team Booster Club is a a 501 (c)(3) non-profit. We ask that all skiers/families join the Booster Club every year in order to provide a positive experience for all. Your donation covers spaghetti feeds, race day supplies such as sports drink/hot chocolate, team tent repairs and propane, tables, coolers, Regions BBQ, end of season banquet, senior gifts, coaches’ gifts and more. It really is nice to write one check and be done, rather than being asked for money multiple times throughout the season. Your Booster Club donation is tax deductible.
Booster Club Membership Levels:
Individual, $50
Family, $70
Green, $100
Gold, $250
Click here for a printable Booster Club Membership Form
Make checks made payable to Service Ski Team Booster Club. For an online payment link, payment mailing address, or other questions, please send an email to
Meeting Minutes