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An overview of prudent gear to wear for skiing and information about the team clothing.

Outside in the winter

Skiing can be a very chilly sport and we don't want anyone to freeze.  We do have a cut-off temperature for going outside, but that doesn't mean that it isn't cold up to that point.  We require that the skiers come prepared for winter conditions.  This means:

  • Buff

  • a hat

  • a jacket

  • gloves/mittens

  • warm-up pants (like the pants the Service skiers are wearing)

That list is just the minimum!  For those single digit days, you will definitely want more.  Please invest in a base layer of long underwear.  It's important when you are shopping for warm clothes to make sure they are not made of cotton.  Wool, a wool blend, or a good synthetic is ideal for keeping your body heat in.  The guys on the team will also have a vested interest in acquiring wind briefs.​


Inside during practice

Often we will have a bit of practice indoors, be it in the weight room, or just doing a light jog.  It's best to be prepared for being inside everyday, so don't forget to bring a pair of tennis shoes!


Team Clothing

Via the Booster Club, the Service ski team offers some cool gear.  Everyone must have a team jacket, but don't forget to look at the other clothing options, like the team headbands.  They match the new uniforms that we are getting this season!


If you are unable to afford a jacket, please talk to the coaches.  We have a limited supply of jackets that we can loan out.  If you can though, please do buy a personalized jacket through the Booster Club.  This year, the requested name for the skier is being printed onto them.  Order forms for team clothing can be found here (.pdf) and more information on what the clothing looks like is here (.pdf).

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