Parents - How You Can Help!
Welcome to the Service XC Ski Team!
With more than 75 skiers, there should be plenty of hands to make the machine run! Coaches take care of all coaching duties – organizing practices, scheduling busses, race preparation (waxing, training, etc). Parents take care of the “social” things like post race food/drink, light fundraising, spaghetti feeds, sweatshirt orders, regions BBQ and season party. Please volunteer for at least several different entries.
The biggest jobs are:
Tent team (2 families)– It’s a rotation such that one family gets to race 1.5 hours before it begins to set up the tent. Another family stays until the end of the race and brings the tent home – and then brings to the next race. Family 1 then is responsible to take the tent home. It’s not like you have to set up or break down by yourselves. Skiers are at the race and they help.
Hot Tang team (2 families)– It’s a rotation such that “Family 1” gets to race by the start time with HOT TANG & the supply bin. “Family 2” stays until the end of the race and brings the supplies home, cleans them – and then brings to the next race. “Family 1” is then responsible to take the supplies home.
Wax Clinic Organizers (2 people)– Manage concessions, volunteers, advertise & signage
Snowball Ski Race Organizer (2 people)– Manage the tent/location of the concession stand, manage volunteers (for concessions and with NSAA), coordinate awards
Spaghetti Feeds- After every Saturday race –they’re easier than they sound – and very fun. There is even a shopper who delivers your ingredients!
Regions BBQ Shopper & Coordinator (2 people)–the list of items to purchase is made. One trip to Costco & Fred Meyer is all it takes. We have an assortment of supplies from previous years. Coordinate the set-up and break-down. It’s pretty easy. There is always plenty of help.
Photographer (2 people)–take pictures at races, post to your own viewing Website (Picasa or some platform that a link can be provided to post on the Service Website). It would be great to have one or two families commit from the beginning of the season to capture pictures of the different teams – because we know not everyone can attend and take pictures of all 4 hours of racing. Then, at the end of the season when we all think it would be great to have a slideshow that it is already on someone’s radar.
Race Snacks
Of course we need you for all sorts of other opportunities as well. You will be notified of openings available as the season progresses.
TEAM SPIRIT: Service XC Ski Team tries very hard each year to win the “Spirit Award” from the NSAA Green Grunts. This includes showing sportsmanship throughout the races, helping the officials with the course even at races that Service doesn’t host, cheering for all levels and for all schools—from A races to E to Open. The more skiers who stay through the awards ceremony cheering on everyone, including cheering for the competition, the closer this team will be. It’s tempting to leave after your race or before awards and skip the bus ride, but we encourage the team aspect. Plus, the kids should be staying until the end to help take down the tent, clean the tent area and haul items to booster cars. While bus travel adds 90 minutes to a race day, it makes things easier on coaches to have fewer exceptions to worry about. That being said, coaches require a note is given to them in the morning as the skier gets on the bus saying they are riding home with a parent after the ski race.
JOIN THE BOOSTER CLUB: It really does make a difference and it allows us to do all the fun things mentioned above, plus so much more. Your booster fee goes toward...
Propane for heaters and miscellaneous tent items
Hot Tang supplies (Tang, cups, etc.)
Spaghetti feeds
Supplemental wax that ASD does not buy
Supplies coaches need for team
Regions BBQ food & supplies
Season banquet supplies (event is a potluck)
Coaches’ gifts at end of season (shhh, it’s always a surprise!)
Senior Gifts
JOIN THE SERVICE PTSA: It’s only $10 a year and it is for a good cause. We would like to purchase new uniforms for the 2023/2024 and hope to obtain a grant from the Service High Parent, Teacher, Student Association (PTSA). We highly recommend our skier parents become members and advocate for our team! Join the PTSA by going to https://servicehighptsa.weebly.com
BECOME A MEMBER OF NSAA: We are lucky to have them in our community. They maintain and groom our trails and officiate at races so we can have fun and ski. For information go to www.anchoragenordicski.com.
STAY IN TOUCH: We communicate vie email, Facebook and through our website. Captains also communicate with skiers via remind texting.
Check the ski team website every night after 9pm for workout news from Coach Jan at https://www.serviceskiteam.com
A lot of our communication is via email so make sure we have your email address—sign up at the parent meeting or email the Booster Club at serviceskiteaminfo@gmail.com. Please put an email address that you use on a regular basis.