Spaghetti Dinner Information for Hosts
Date: Evening after a race, usually Saturdays
Time: 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
First off, you will throughly enjoy hosting a dinner. It is easy, the kids help, and you get to know what a great team we have! It isn't much effort at all. They are easy.
The Spaghetti Dinners tradition throughout Anchorage started with the Service XC Ski Team in 1999 and has continued with the Ski and Running teams ever since. You can expect up to 60 kids (coaches may come, but not necessarily - this is primarilty for the kids).
The Host is responsible for providing the chaperones. Many families have been able to handle it with just one parent available, but make your life easier... call a friend! The kids can help with the serving, cleaning up, etc. Don't let it scare you.
The Host needs to submit information for the website. Please include the host's address and phone number as well as what class brings the dessert (Freshmen through Seniors rotate after each spaghetti dinner). Volunteer HERE!. No need to print out copies - folks will check this site for details.
The Booster Club will provide you with the below ingredients*:
2-5 gallon coolers** (one for water, one for lemonade)
1-2 large packages of frozen meatballs
3 #10 cans of spaghetti sauce
10 packages of spaghetti noodles
3 large bags of salad
Salad dressing and croutons
Parmesan cheese, garlic spice for bread, and spaghetti spices
Butter (for bread) and oil (for noodles)
Paper plates, napkins, cups, forks
Tinfoil (for making garlic bread)
*The Shopper will get in touch with you to arrange delivery of the goodies and pick up of the goodies that didn't get used so we have them for the next feed.
**Get the coolers from ski room (or ask a captain to deliver) or previous host.
***Dessert is provided by skiers (rotating by class: seniors, juniors, etc) but you might want to have some extra cookies on-hand just in case!
Cooking for a Crowd
Start at 5 pm for a 6:30 start time
Cook noodles in batches or they get too goooey. You can reuse the same water a couple of times. Toss with oil and put in oven on warm.
Warm butter and mash with garlic mixture. Spread on bread and wrap in foil. Bake at 375 until done. Keep in warm oven.
Heat sauce and add seasonings as needed. Keep one can meat-free for vegetarians and add one bag of meatballs to the other two cans and simmer. Can transfer to crock pots to keep warm.
Sauce and bread can be made the day before and heated/cooked the day of. Your family gets to enjoy any cooked food leftovers.
Note: Usually there are left over plates, cups, and utensils, as well as salad dressing and lemonade. We would encourage the hosts to pass these ingredients onto the next host.